17 anos a cuidar do seu sorriso
Acreditamos no poder do sorriso!
A pensar no seu bem-estar, contamos com instalações modernas, adaptadas às necessidades dos nossos pacientes, bem como com profissionais qualificados que lhe irão proporcionar todo o acompanhamento necessário antes, durante e após o tratamento.

Na Wesmile damos preferências aos tratamentos mais avançados, colocando a sua saúde em primeiro lugar

(Traduzido pelo Google) Prótese removível produzida rapidamente, após extração de dois dentes. Preços razoáveis, sem dor. Bem-vindo cortês. Vou colocar um implante, depois darei uma nova opinião.
Prothèse amovible réalisée rapidement, suite à extraction de deux dents. Sans douleur, prix raisonnables. Accueil courtois. Je vais me faire poser un implant, je donnerai mon nouvel avis ultérieurement.WeSmile Olhão ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
(Traduzido pelo Google) Equipa simpática e muito competente!
Muito obrigado
Freundliches und sehr kompetentes Team!Vielen Dank
WeSmile Olhão ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
WeSmile Tavira was an excellent experience. I needed a broken tooth and a loose crown fixed. This clinic is sparklingly new. They have an efficient process for Covid safety and processing patient’s paperwork and payments. This all means patients shouldn’t have to wait long but should also feel very safe throughout. That was my experience anyway.
The dental treatment was terrific. No pain or discomfort whatsoever, not even from the needle. From entering the clinic to exiting, it took just an hour total. Highly recommended.WeSmile Tavira ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I was really impressed and pleased to walk for the first time in this clinic and encounter such lovely people and professionalism. I’m someone who’s always been anxious and nervous when visiting new dentists! I felt at ease today! I thank their quick response to my request. Highly recommend.
WeSmile Tavira ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Top, excelentes pessoas
WeSmile Olhão ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I had a wisdom tooth extraction on Friday in Olhao. I was very impressed with all the precautions that were taken. My usual dentist was at the Tavira surgery that I had no idea existed, but I need not have worried she was excellent, the whole procedure carried out painlessly.
WeSmile Olhão ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Trabalho de excelência, equipa 5 estrelas !! Nota 10 para o Dr. André. Pelo seu profissionalismo. Obrigado.
WeSmile Olhão ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Atendimento excelente..valor acessível….a tempo que estava a procura de uma clínica assim..muito obrigado
WeSmile Tavira ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐